BTF @ Remedia 2022
21st - 22nd April 2022

Producción ecológica, sostenibilidad y economía circular frente al cambio climático.Córdoba 21-22 de abril de 2022
CEBAS-CSIC attended the ninth edition of Remedia workshop entitled “Eco-friendly production, sustainability, and circular economy in response to climate change”, which took place in Cordoba on the 21st-22nd of April, 2022. This event is organised by the Universidad de Córdoba, by means of the “Chair of Organic Production ECOVALIA-Clemente Mata”.
Among the speeches, outstanding was the contribution held by María Sánchez-García, María Luz Cayuela, Raúl Castejón-del Pino and Miguel Ángel Sánchez-Monedero from the “Department of soil and water preservation and management of organic waste” (Universidad de Córdoba). Their speech, entitled “Application of biochar and compost enriched with biochar as a strategy of carbon sequestration in olive trees: perspectives from EIT food project Black to the Future”, showed two methods of C sequestration through biochar and compost with an enrichment of biochar.
The study was co-financed with European funds from EIT FOOD “Black to the Future” and the Ministry of Science and Innovation, as well as funds from UE-FEADER.
Detailed programme and further info available at the following link.
Remedia is a national scientific network founded in 2012. Among its objectives, one of the main purposes is the alignment to the SDGs established by ONU. In particular, Remedia aims at the mitigation of global warming related to the primary sector (namely agriculture and livestock, as well as the agrifood and forestry sector), including the reduction of GHG emissions and enabling C sequestration.